Repository Overview

Aaron's Github Repositories

Overview of some short projects I have worked on. All except ascii-chat are now old and unmaintained.


Videochat between two terminals, rendered in ascii.


The ACS-Analysis library provides Python objects to work with flight data from UAV swarms. I developed this code in 2015 in support of ARSENL's 50 vs. 50 UAV swarming research. The library works with Pixhawk autopilot logs. While there are many available tools to analyze individual UAV performance, there are fewer options for analyzing the performance of groups of simultaneously-flying UAVs. See the repository readme for more information.


This repository has a set of Matlab scripts that determine the diffusion length in bulk (as opposed to thin-film) semiconductors from Cathodoluminescence data. It will calculate either the average for the material or a spatially resolved estimate along a line.

I wrote the majority of the user interface code, the code controlling output, and adapted it to run without a user in the loop. I also ported it to octave in the octavebranch. I did not have a hand in any of the math-intensive line-fitting code.


I developed this script with my co-intern Abby Lambert at the Center for Autonomous Vehicles Research at the Naval Postgraduate School. It allows the user to define "ascii topography". That is, it defines a minimal markup language that a script uses to generate a grid of numbers. The markup language file defines what shapes should be represented in the grid. See the project's readme for an example.


This a lightweight commandline interface for a subset of pyplot scatter plotting features. It draws its input from a text file, assuming there is an x value and a y value on each line. This comes in handy when trying to graph the output of certain scripts. Piping output of the form tagOne: 123.123 tagTwo: 456.456 (or any other string ocntaining two floats) to a file allows you to quickly see a scatter plot of the data. See the README for more information.

I couldn't live without this utility. It comes in particularly useful when trying to graph data generated within a C++ script. C++ has no graphing library that is as simple as Pyplot, so trying to graph some points within a C++ script is not a trivial matter. Luckily, you can now just send the values to stdout and then pipe stdout to a file.